Our Mission Statement The employees of SEI Wireless Solutions pledge to provide our customers with prompt, reliable and courteous service in every aspect of our business. Our staff has over 100 years of Motorola experience combined. If we can't answer your question, we know who can. We will take the time to listen and be responsive to the needs of our customers on an ongoing basis. We will provide competitive pricing for all sales/service/rentals. In turn we ask for prompt payment. It's not always about cost; it's about value. We promise value. We don't want a quick sale. It is our goal to maintain a long term relationship with our customers. In turn we ask for your loyalty and valued referrals. We will not take our customers for granted. Our customers will always receive the highest quality products and services. 10 Reasons to Choose SEI Wireless Solutions One of the largest Motorola dealers in south Florida We have been meeting communications needs since 1984 Unmatched On-Call service One of the largest Nationwide Large Inventory with immediate delivery Rapid repair service FCC licensing assistance On-site engineering department In-house or in-field customer service Great people make great business
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