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1166 Avenue of the Americas/10th Fl
New York, NY, United States, 10036
Technology Provider Phone: (212) 204-4200


Whether helping pilots understand the latest aviation protocols, connecting natural products manufacturers to the most cost effective ingredient suppliers, or keeping engineers up-to-date on new efficient designs, Penton’s leading business information brands are the vital source for business. We are the heart of our markets. At Penton, we are all about providing relevant information and connections. Our solutions are tailored to the needs of our audience, which is why it takes so many forms – digital, print, live events. While longevity doesn’t necessarily correlate to success, the dozens of Penton brands in 17 distinct markets do have long embedded traditions of editors, sales, and service personnel who really live their markets. And nurturing such talent has been a hallmark of Penton for decades. Today, more than six million professionals rely on Penton products for the information needed to compete and the connections needed to succeed.


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1166 Avenue of the Americas/10th Fl, New York, NY, USA, 10036
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