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CRT Destination Marketing & Management Services

Destination Management Company Phone: (506) 2-508-5000


CRT Destination Marketing and Management Services. Co. is the Costa Rican pioneer and leader in developing the attitude and mentality needed to deliver incentive travel fulfillment in Costa Rica. CRT gathers a TEAM of professionals capable to design, organize and deliver a wide range of events, that require a good grasp of the resources that will guarantee successful activities, tours, staffing and transportation, utilizing local expertise.

CRT has a record that speaks for itself with the experience in Travel Fulfillment to over 21.000 participants in more than 228 incentive trip deliveries. CRT can deliver from a small corporate retreat, to travel fulfillment for an incentive program or international convention for hundreds of participants. CRT has proven to be the professional meeting planners’ best choice for any type of event in Costa Rica.


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