For more than 25 years, the team at Centium Software have developed some of the biggest innovations in the event management industry. What got us here? The same thing that makes us different: Our point of view. Our background is in event management, so we think like event organizers. We design and develop according to what will make life easier for them and for attendees, and what will benefit the host organization. Events are complex, dynamic and ever-changing. And as the lead-up moves into the actual event, the time pressures, constraints and workload increase exponentially. We understand this, and have created powerful, easy-to-use, real-time solutions with redundancy and support 24/7. We don't outsource our support. We maintain offices around the globe and deliver support in person, by telephone and online. We are proud to specialize in event management. And we're pleased that our products are proven and trusted all over the world.
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